Gemini (Gemini Adler Book 1) Read online
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"I was a waitress at a local restaurant," it wasn't that far from the truth Gem thought. She needed to end the conversation now before things got to in-depth. She hated lying to these people. They had been so great to her and Taura.
"Destiny," Taura ignored her probably because she had forgotten her fake name. "Sis!"
Taura looked up then. "Is it time to go?" she asked petting Bear and Allie at the same time. Apparently, the pups were a little jealous.
"Yeah, munchkin. We need to get in the bed. We got a lot of things to do tomorrow," Gem said turning to Jesse. "Thanks for keeping me company."
"It was my pleasure, Dusty. Anytime. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." And with that, the girls walked to the small trailer, climbed into bed after doing their nightly rituals, and fell asleep. For the first time in a long time, feeling safe.
Gem got up early Sunday morning so that she could break the news to Dani about church. Gemini wanted to take Dani up on the offer to go to church with them, but they didn’t have anything to wear besides blue jeans and t-shirts. She figured that was probably frowned upon in the south. So, she decided they would stay home today and maybe go with Dani next week after Gem was able to buy them some more clothes.
Anyways, she had a list of mundane things she needed to get done before she started work in the morning, like laundry and grocery shopping. She also had to come up with a plan to get the car back before she was charged for another day.
She grabbed her phone off the nightstand where it was currently charging. She quietly got out of the bed, careful not to wake Taura. She walked into the other room and quietly began searching for a laundromat and a grocery store close by when she heard a knock at the door. It must be Dani, she thought.
She opened the door to greet the petite green-eyed girl only to be staring into beautiful blue eyes and the most handsome face she had ever seen.
Jesse smiled at her and then quickly turned around.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think,” he said.
At first, Gem didn’t know what was going on then it dawned on her and she became utterly humiliated. Again. She was currently standing there in just a shirt. She didn’t even think about putting pants on this morning since it was normally just her and her sister.
She quickly ran back to the bedroom to grab her jeans. Gem couldn’t believe what just happened. As she pried her pants on, she reminded herself that she didn’t have time for guys at the moment so it was perfectly okay that she just humiliated herself in front of this gorgeous guy twice in less than 24 hours. Plus, it wasn’t like someone like Jesse could ever be interested in someone like her.
She wasn’t beautiful or even average, as her mom told her daily. The only people who ever told her she was beautiful were those guys her mom brought home that were always trying to touch her. She never cared what they thought about her because she knew they were sick in the head. Taura always told her she was beautiful, but she had to because it was like a sister law or something.
Gem went back to the door, took a deep breath, and opened it once again. This time fully dressed.
“Sorry about that. I wasn’t thinking clearly this morning. I’m used to it just being me and Ta…Destiny.” Gem caught herself before she finished Taura’s name. She had to be more vigilant.
“It’s okay, really,” Jesse said.
“Do you want to come in?”
“Thanks,” he said as he climbed the two stairs into the trailer. “Dani sent me to see if y’all were gonna go to church with us this morning? She’s real excited about the possibility of bringing new people with her this morning. No pressure though,” he said with a laugh.
“Please tell her we would love to go but we are a little short on nice clothes at the moment.”
“Oh, we are pretty informal at church. People wear blue jeans all the time. Please don’t let your clothes stop you from coming.”
Gem thought about what Jesse said. She really hated going in jeans and a t-shirt. But at the same time, Gem figured she might as well start socializing with the townspeople if they were going to call this their home. Plus, in her opinion, it looked less suspicious if they were trying to get to know people instead of staying to themselves.
“Okay. We’ll go if you promise we won’t be out of place.”
“Great. I’ll let Dani know. She’ll be just tickled pink,” Jesse said walking back out the door with a huge smile on his face.
They met everyone in the front yard. Micah insisted on Gem and Taura riding with them instead of driving so that way the girls didn’t get lost. Jesse was right, Dani was excited, which made Gemini happy for some reason. She genuinely liked this family and wanted to do right by them, but she wasn’t going to risk Taura’s safety for anything. So, she continued to lie to them feeling guilty the entire time.
They made it to the church in about five minutes, not even enough time to work up a good panic attack about meeting so many new people. Dani explained to the girls on the way that there were two churches in the town, the Methodist church, and the Baptist. If you practiced other religions you had to go into the city of Coleman, about five miles north of Hope.
That's where Gemini learned was a laundromat, rental car place, and a whole lot of other places Gem needed to start checking off her ever-growing to-do list. Gemini knew she would have to ask Dani to help her with the car drop off. There was no other way. Unless she walked, which Gem did consider for a moment before ruling it out because it would probably attract more attention to themselves. She decided to wait until after the service to ask Dani.
The sermon was not like your typical Chicago sermon. The pastor was more laid back and even wore blue jeans like the girls. Their pastor up there always wore fancy robes. However, the message and the love both pastors poured into their congregation was the same. This was why Gemini liked going to church, she always felt loved there and she hoped Taura felt the same way.
Dani was absolutely thrilled to help Gem out with the car. She even volunteered to take the girls shopping. She called it a 'girls’ day'. Gemini and Taura thought it was funny because every day with them was a girls' day. Dani explained that she didn't have a lot of girlfriends since she and Micah started dating that is. She said a lot of her friends didn't approve of her dating someone like him. Gemini was going to ask what 'someone like him' meant but she decided to leave that conversation for another day. She thought Micah was great and didn't understand how anyone wouldn't like him.
That evening when the girls got home from Coleman, Jesse and Micah had a surprise for them.
"What are you guys doing out here?" Dani asked opening the trunk of her car to get the bags of clothes they had bought out. Taura went around to the back she was super excited to have more than jeans to wear, especially in this Alabama heat.
"We got a surprise for Dusty and Destiny," Micah said with the biggest grin Gemini had ever seen.
"Really?" Taura said coming around the back of the car with an armload of bags. "What is it?" she asked, hopping from foot to foot. Gemini could tell she was excited, as could everyone else. Though they didn't know why. Taura and Gem never got surprises, at least not good ones. Gem tried to surprise her little sister every year at Christmas with a present from Santa, but that didn't always work out. Electricity and rent were far more important than presents, Gem thought. She hated having to prioritize like that. She hated not being able to give her sister the kind of childhood she deserved. But maybe now, away from her mom, she could start making up for it some.
"Well we know you had to turn your rental car in, so we got you a car," Jesse said smiling at Gem.
"WHAT?!?!" Gem exclaimed.
"A car. It's not much. It actually used to be my car in high school and ever since I bought my truck, it's just been sitting outback. I figured you ladies could use it while you are here and if you want you could even buy it from me. I'll make you a really good deal. Promise," Jesse said while walking over to Taura to t
ake the bags out of her hands. "Here let me help you with those, Destiny."
"Oh my God! We got a car, Gemi…I mean Dusty," Taura yelled jumping up and down.
"We can't accept that. But thank you for the offer. Destiny take the bags inside and I'll be in in a minute," Gem said still looking at Jesse like he grew two heads.
"But…," Taura whined.
"Now," Gemini said.
Taura started making her way inside and once she heard the door close Gemini opened her mouth to speak but closed it because she needed to remember to keep her attitude in check. She couldn't alienate these people. They were the only thing keeping her from living on the streets.
"Thank you again for the offer, Jesse but we can't accept."
"Now don't be pig-headed. You two need a car to get around."
"Excuse me?"
"It means stubborn," Jesse said crossing his arms over his chest.
"I know what it means," Gem said crossing her arms over her chest and jutting out her chin.
"Well, that's our cue to go inside. Micah, you comin'?" Dani asked throwing a sympathetic look at Gemini.
"Good luck, bro," Gem heard Dani say before disappearing with Micah inside.
"How dare you call me stubborn? You don't know anything about me," Gem said raising her voice a little.
"I know you're stubborn. And smart. And beautiful. And kind. And fiercely protective of your little sister. But most of all stubborn."
Gemini didn't know what to say. So, she just turned around and walked towards the trailer.
"Come on, Dusty don't be like that. I didn't mean you were stubborn in a bad way. Honest."
Gemini stopped five foot from the trailer door. She couldn't believe that he thought she was beautiful, or any of the other things he had told her. She was still a little flabbergasted when she said, "How much?"
"How much, what?"
"How much for the car?"
"Oh. Well, I don't know. How about you look at it first and see if you even want it?" he said kicking at the dirt in front of him. His head was bowed but when he looked up at Gem, he had that devastatingly beautiful smile on his face and Gem knew at that moment she was in trouble. Big trouble. Because she could see herself falling for this guy and she didn't have time for that.
Gemini was up before the sun came up which was a first for her. She immediately checked on Taura who was asleep next to her. Gem couldn't believe that they had made it two days. On their own. In a different state. She smiled to herself. They could do this. They really could.
She also couldn't believe what she had agreed to last night with Jesse and the car. She checked the car out just like Jesse wanted her to do. It was a little older and needed a new paint job, but Jesse promised that he and Micah had checked it thoroughly and mechanically it was sound. Gemini had never had a car, heck she still didn't have her license. So, she agreed to buy the car from Jesse. The problem was how much he wanted. He had told her he only wanted $1000 for it…and a date. That was the problem, but Gemini really wanted that car, so she agreed. She blushed just thinking about the conversation.
Gem started getting ready before waking Taura up. She normally wasn't a morning person but maybe in a different environment, she would be.
Thirty minutes later and Taura still wasn't a morning person but she was dressed and ready to go. Gemini and Taura met up with Mr. Johnson and Jesse as soon as they walked outside. Apparently, they had been waiting for them.
"We figured we would let y'all follow us since you guys aren't too familiar with the area yet," Jesse said opening the car door for Taura.
"Thanks, Jesse," she said hopping in the front seat.
Jesse went around to the driver's side and did the same thing. He was such a gentleman, Gem thought. Must be a southern thing because she had never seen a guy do that before except for in movies.
"Thanks," she said.
"My pleasure," he said shutting the door.
Gemini and Taura followed Jesse and Mr. Johnson to the diner. It was strange being outside before the sun came up, Gem thought but if this was what she had to do to keep Taura out of the government's hands then so be it.
The gang opened the diner at 5:30 and by six the place was packed with factory workers on their way into work. Gemini stuck to running orders out and filling up drinks at first. She finally got the gumption up to wait on some tables near the end of the breakfast rush. She met a few more townsfolk and a few travelers.
One particular group that was traveling kept staring at her, like they knew her or something. She thought it was even odder when they asked her what her name was. When she replied with Dusty the group just said they were mistaken and went back to eating. Gemini was thrown off by the whole exchange and sent Taura a look to stay in the back. She had been hanging out in the office, out of the way for most of the morning. Every so often she would make her way out for something to drink. Taura understood the look and put her head down and continued to play on Gem’s phone.
Once it had slowed down, they all took a few minutes to eat and relax in shifts. Since Dani and Micah always went together on break, that left Jesse, Gem, and Sharon for the next break. Gemini figured that Jesse would relax with his granddad, who had just walked in. But to her astonishment, Jesse came to sit with her.
"Mind if I sit?" he said.
"Yes, I mean no. I'm sorry. Sit, please," Gem said all flustered.
"Thanks. How's today going so far?"
She wanted to tell him about the strange table that kept staring at her, but she thought better of it. "Good. I guess. Still trying to get to know where everything is around here. People keep asking me for directions and I don't know what to tell them. I don't even know if I could get from your house to here without getting lost."
Jesse laughed. "I'm sure you would be just fine."
They ate their lunch in silence, not the awkward type of silence either. The kind when you've been with someone for a long time and you just know each other so well that the silence is comfortable and relaxing. It was nice and strange at the same time, Gem thought.
Everyone made it through another lunch rush successfully. Gemini was surprised at how much money she had earned through tips. She thought the day went great even if it was a little chaotic, but she still couldn't shake the table that kept staring at her. It was unnerving because it was like they knew her. And as far as Gem knew she had never met that family before in her life.
When Gemini and Taura got home, Taura went straight to the bedroom to start reading a new book that Gem had bought her Sunday afternoon when they were shopping with Dani. Gemini settled into the booth style seat at the dining room table. She needed to check on everything back home and see if they are being hunted by the government.
She made a new account on social media because she figured if they were being tracked by the government that would be one of the ways they could locate them. She started browsing her friend's pages to see if anyone had noticed them gone yet. It had only been two days so maybe not.
Everything was going fine until she got to Claire's page. She was her best friend and the only one that knew how bad her home life was. They had been friends since third grade when some older kid starting picking on Claire because of her glasses and Gemini stood up to the kid and punched him in the face. Claire's page only had one post about Gem on there, but it was enough to make Gemini's heart stop.
It was a missing/ abducted poster that Claire had posted. It had sketchings of what Gemini and Taura would look like. It didn't have an actual photo, probably, because their mom hadn't taken any of them since Taura was three. Claire had posted the missing poster on her page asking all her friends if they had seen Gem.
All of that wasn't the worst part. That was when one of Claire's friends told her what had happened at the YMCA with Taura. All that hoping that maybe everyone would keep their mouths shut was gone. Sweat started beading on Gem's forehead and her mouth went dry. That explained the family that kept s
taring at her in the diner. They knew. The government would definitely come for them now. No doubt about it. They wouldn't stop until they found Taura.
Gemini stood up quickly. She had to do something, but she didn't know what. She went to the spot she hid her money and started counting it. $1413. That wouldn't get them far, especially with no car. She could feel her chest start tightening and new that a panic attack was about to happen.
There was a knock at the door. Gem didn't have the time to open it, she had to focus on her breathing. The knock came again. Gemini felt like she couldn't breathe and sat down on the floor in front of the small couch. There was another knock and she heard Jesse's voice, "Dusty?"